
Please come listen to our great speakers. Speakers are located in Room 4 (near the Odell Weeks sign-in desk).

9:30 am

Essential Oils 101 -- Kim Kitts (Horn Creek Essentials)

10:00 am

Benefits of Applying Meditation to Our Everyday Life -- Sankofa Gordon (Sankofa’s Workshop)

10:30 am

Listening to your Body -- Kim-Hammond Beyers (Mind-Body Synergy)

11:00 am

Tapping to Heal Mind, Body and Spirit -- Pamela Borawski (3 Rays of Light LLC)

11:30 am

Intro to Herbal Medicine -- Jennifer Galbraith (Meadowlark Farms)

12:00 pm

How to Shift from Being Stuck to Making Empowering Choices -- Bernadette Hennessey (Personal Coach)

12:30 pm

Stress Management -- Joy Trammell (Tontour)

1:00 pm

The Future of Cannabinoids -- Adrian Steele (123cbdme)

1:30 pm

Yoga for Anxiety -- Dana Rideout (Dana Rideout, LPC)

2:00 pm

Getting Your Food to Work for You -- Onnie Sanford (Paleo Num Yums)

2:30 pm

Flotation Therapy -- Ana Torres (Augusta Float & Wellness)